Calathea, Beauty Star
Scientific Name: Calathea ornataCommon Name: Beauty Star Calathea The Calathea genus of plants is in the Marantacae family, which also includes Mar...
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Store pickup is available at our Spokane location
Store pickup is available at our Spokane location
Scientific Name: Calathea ornataCommon Name: Beauty Star Calathea The Calathea genus of plants is in the Marantacae family, which also includes Mar...
View full detailsScientific Name: Calathea Roseopicta ‘Dottie’Common Name: Dottie Calathea, Rose-Painted Calathea The Calathea genus of plants is in the Marantacae ...
View full detailsScientific Name: Adenium obesumCommon Names: Desert Rose, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star Originally from the deserts of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, t...
View full detailsScientific Name: Dracaena fragrans (formerly Dracaena deremensis)Common Names: Lemon Lime Dracaena, Dragon Tree, Corn Plant Dracaena houseplants ar...
View full detailsScientific Name: Dracaena fragrans (formerly Dracaena deremensis)Common Names: Limelight Dracaena, Dragon Tree, Corn Plant Dracaena houseplants are...
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