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Calathea, White Fusion


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Scientific Name: Calathea lietzei
Common Name: White Fusion Calathea

***About 200 plants in the Calathea genus have recently been reclassified to the Goeppertia genus, but are still commonly known as Calathea***

The Calathea genus of plants is in the Marantacae family, which also includes Maranta & Ctenanthe. Many of these plants are interchangeably referred to as "Prayer Plants" due to their nyctinasty habits, which is the fancy word for leaves that fold up at night and unfold in the morning. Quite a few of the plants also have very similar foliage and growth patterns, which just adds to the fun!

The Marantacae family can be a little more temperamental than other tropical houseplants and may be better suited for more advanced plant parents, but don't let us stop you from trying! Their foliage is very striking and unique, which is one of the reasons why these are still highly popular houseplants! 

The White Fusion Calathea has elongated leaves with stunning light/dark green and creamy white variegations and purple undersides. 

Basic Care Notes: Well draining soil, medium to bright indirect light. Water when top of soil appears dry, and don't let your calathea dry out! Humidity is definitely preferred, but can tolerate lower humidity environments. 

***Due to the unique nature of plants, the one we carefully choose for you won't look exactly like the photos. but it will be just as beautiful!

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