Begonia, Amelia's Kaleidoscope
Scientific Name: Begonia - rhizomatous hybridCommon Name: Amelia's Kaleidoscope Begonia Begonias are beloved houseplants, primarily famous for thei...
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Store pickup is available at our Spokane location
Store pickup is available at our Spokane location
Scientific Name: Begonia - rhizomatous hybridCommon Name: Amelia's Kaleidoscope Begonia Begonias are beloved houseplants, primarily famous for thei...
View full detailsScientific Name: Trichocereus macrogonus var. pachanoiCommon Names: San Pedro Cactus Cacti have become a beloved choice for indoor plants due to th...
View full detailsScientific Name: Calathea ornataCommon Name: Beauty Star Calathea The Calathea genus of plants is in the Marantacae family, which also includes Mar...
View full detailsScientific Name: Goeppertia fasciata, formerly known as Calathea fasciataCommon Name: Calathea Fasciata ***About 200 plants in the Calathea genus h...
View full detailsScientific Name: Calathea lietzeiCommon Name: White Fusion Calathea ***About 200 plants in the Calathea genus have recently been reclassified to th...
View full detailsScientific Name: Adiantum raddianumCommon Name: Maidenhair Fern, Delta Maidenhair Fern, Pacific Maidenhair Fern The tradition of ferns as houseplan...
View full detailsScientific Name: Pteris creticaCommon Name: Cretan Brake Fern, Brake Fern The tradition of ferns as houseplants gained popularity in the mid- to la...
View full detailsScientific Name: Platycerium bifurcatumCommon Name: Staghorn Fern The tradition of ferns as houseplants gained popularity in the mid- to late-1840'...
View full detailsScientific Name: Monstera karstenianum Common Name: Monstera Peru Named for their distinctive leaves ("monstera" in Latin translates to "strange"),...
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