Begonia, Curly Fireflush
Scientific Name: Begonia rex hybridCommon Name: Curly Fireflush Begonia Begonias are beloved houseplants, primarily famous for their incredibly uni...
View full detailsStore pickup is available at our Spokane location
Store pickup is available at our Spokane location
Scientific Name: Begonia rex hybridCommon Name: Curly Fireflush Begonia Begonias are beloved houseplants, primarily famous for their incredibly uni...
View full detailsScientific Name: Begonia rex hybridCommon Name: Froggy Begonia Begonias are beloved houseplants, primarily famous for their incredibly unique folia...
View full detailsScientific Name: Begonia listadaCommon Name: Striped Begonia Begonias are beloved houseplants, primarily famous for their incredibly unique foliage...
View full detailsScientific Name: Begonia maculataCommon Name: Polka Dot Begonia, Angel Wing Begonia Begonias are beloved houseplants, primarily famous for their in...
View full detailsScientific Name: Begonia subacidaCommon Name: Begonia subacida Begonias are beloved houseplants, primarily famous for their incredibly unique folia...
View full detailsScientific Name: Begonia boweraeCommon Name: Tiger Paws Begonia, Eyelash Begonia Begonias are beloved houseplants, primarily famous for their incre...
View full detailsBonide root and grow 4-10-3 Fertilizer with IBA growth hormone. Stimulates early and strong root formation. Reduces transplant shock. Promotes gr...
View full detailsBONIDE Bontone Rooting Powder is a ready to use IBA root stimulator that speeds root development of cuttings, corms, bulbs and roots of plants. I...
View full detailsThe Spokane famous "Soft" Peanut Butter Brittle that has a rich flavor unlike anything you've ever tasted. Soft flaky consistency, rich peanut butt...
View full detailsScientific Name: Sedum morganianumCommon Names: Burro's Tail, Donkey Tail, Horse's Tail, Lamb's Tail, Stonecrop Burro's Tail succulents are perfect...
View full detailsScientific Name: SchlumbergeraCommon Name: Christmas Cactus, Holiday Cactus, Crab Cactus The Christmas Cactus is as unique as it is beautiful. It h...
View full detailsScientific Name: Cyclamen persicumCommon Name: Cyclamen, Alpine Violet The Cyclamen's blooming cycle naturally occurs in late fall and winter, and ...
View full detailsScientific Name: Dracaena fragrans (formerly Dracaena deremensis)Common Names: Warneckii Dracaena, White Stripe Dracaena, Striped Dracaena, Dragon ...
View full detailsAll natural & organic Mix with water ~ Feed instantly Beneficial microbes ensure superior results Due to in store shopping online quantitie...
View full detailsThis product is formulated from aged pine bark, horticultural charcoal, perlite, and limestone to adjust pH and yucca extract. Due to in store sh...
View full detailsScientific Name: Pellaea rotundifoliaCommon Name: Button Fern (different than Lemon Button Fern) The tradition of ferns as houseplants gained popul...
View full detailsScientific Name: Adiantum raddianumCommon Name: Maidenhair Fern, Delta Maidenhair Fern, Pacific Maidenhair Fern The tradition of ferns as houseplan...
View full detailsScientific Name: Pteris creticaCommon Name: Cretan Brake Fern, Brake Fern The tradition of ferns as houseplants gained popularity in the mid- to la...
View full detailsScientific Name: Platycerium bifurcatumCommon Name: Staghorn Fern The tradition of ferns as houseplants gained popularity in the mid- to late-1840'...
View full detailsScientific Name: Fittonia albivenisCommon Name: Nerve Plant, Mosaic Plant, Jewel Plant Fittonias originally come from Northern tropical rainforests...
View full detailsLocally sourced honey from Deer Park, WA. It's 100% raw, and 100% delicious! Due to in store shopping online quantities are not guaranteed.
Scientific Name: Hoya kerrii Common Name: Hoya Heart, Sweetheart Plant, Valentine Hoya, Wax Plant Hoyas are well-loved by many plant collectors aro...
View full detailsScientific Name: Hoya carnosaCommon Name: Krimson Queen Hoya, Porcelain Flower, Wax Plant Hoyas are well-loved by many plant collectors around the ...
View full detailsPerky-Pet offers pre-mixed clear hummingbird nectar. Just unscrew the cap and pour the liquid into your feeder. This 100% sucrose mixture mimics t...
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